Compare plant areas across all treatments and genotypes against the reference genotypes

Plate experiment: test experiment for rosettR

We perform ANOVA suitable for multiple comparisons of the area or relative growth rate a each day, \(y\) as

\(y = \beta_{1,i}x + \beta_{2}b + \epsilon\)

where \(x\) is factor encoding each examined combination (\(i\)) of genotype and treatment and \(b\) is a factor encoding the repeats (blocks) in the experiment. We then get statistics assessing the null hypothesis

\(H_{0_{j,k}}: \beta_{1,i} = \beta_{1,j}\) for \(j\) and \(k\) corresponding to samples of the genotype to be tested, versus the designated reference genotype within the same treatment.

Multiple comparisons were performed using the multcomp package. P-values are adjusted for multiple testing.

comparison lwr upr Estimate StdError tvalue pvalue mean_left mean_right sd_left sd_right response
bar_control_vs_foo_control -4.2514 2.724 -0.7639 1.3236 -0.577 0.9880 16.66 17.43 5.978 5.301 AREA_11
bar_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -5.0652 3.477 -0.7939 1.6211 -0.490 0.9949 20.72 21.51 3.126 2.811 AREA_11
baz_control_vs_foo_control -1.0276 6.023 2.4976 1.3380 1.867 0.2885 19.93 17.43 6.628 5.301 AREA_11
baz_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -7.8191 0.866 -3.4766 1.6481 -2.109 0.1777 18.24 21.51 5.795 2.811 AREA_11
qux_control_vs_foo_control -2.0092 4.966 1.4783 1.3236 1.117 0.7912 18.91 17.43 6.394 5.301 AREA_11
qux_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -6.7293 1.813 -2.4580 1.6211 -1.516 0.5104 19.06 21.51 3.438 2.811 AREA_11
bar_control_vs_foo_control -7.9507 4.274 -1.8381 2.3203 -0.792 0.9456 29.03 30.87 9.745 8.412 AREA_14
bar_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -9.1505 5.822 -1.6641 2.8418 -0.586 0.9871 33.16 34.83 6.420 6.062 AREA_14
baz_control_vs_foo_control -0.5721 11.785 5.6066 2.3454 2.390 0.0934 36.47 30.87 11.799 8.412 AREA_14
baz_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -11.7509 3.471 -4.1397 2.8892 -1.433 0.5703 30.96 34.83 8.582 6.062 AREA_14
qux_control_vs_foo_control -3.9290 8.296 2.1836 2.3203 0.941 0.8882 33.05 30.87 8.752 8.412 AREA_14
qux_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -10.2690 4.704 -2.7826 2.8418 -0.979 0.8697 32.05 34.83 7.545 6.062 AREA_14
bar_control_vs_foo_control -10.6369 6.982 -1.8277 3.3435 -0.547 0.9909 41.03 42.86 13.412 11.486 AREA_16
bar_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -12.2967 9.281 -1.5076 4.0949 -0.368 0.9989 45.06 46.56 10.044 8.888 AREA_16
baz_control_vs_foo_control -0.2883 17.521 8.6161 3.3796 2.549 0.0626 51.48 42.86 16.116 11.486 AREA_16
baz_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -13.2460 8.692 -2.2771 4.1632 -0.547 0.9909 44.57 46.56 12.950 8.888 AREA_16
qux_control_vs_foo_control -4.3495 13.269 4.4597 3.3435 1.334 0.6423 47.32 42.86 10.808 11.486 AREA_16
qux_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -13.6049 7.973 -2.8158 4.0949 -0.688 0.9715 43.75 46.56 10.753 8.888 AREA_16
bar_control_vs_foo_control -14.3027 8.794 -2.7546 4.3832 -0.628 0.9816 51.45 54.21 16.132 14.713 AREA_18
bar_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -16.7853 11.502 -2.6418 5.3683 -0.492 0.9947 57.15 59.79 13.933 11.980 AREA_18
baz_control_vs_foo_control 1.2004 24.546 12.8733 4.4306 2.906 0.0234 67.08 54.21 20.374 14.713 AREA_18
baz_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -14.8664 13.892 -0.4871 5.4578 -0.089 1.0000 59.57 59.79 17.783 11.980 AREA_18
qux_control_vs_foo_control -5.6701 17.426 5.8781 4.3832 1.341 0.6371 60.08 54.21 13.124 14.713 AREA_18
qux_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -18.2265 10.061 -4.0830 5.3683 -0.761 0.9546 55.70 59.79 13.791 11.980 AREA_18
bar_control_vs_foo_control -0.0339 0.026 -0.0042 0.0113 -0.368 0.9989 0.19 0.19 0.034 0.039 RGR_11.14
bar_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -0.0402 0.033 -0.0037 0.0138 -0.270 0.9998 0.15 0.16 0.031 0.035 RGR_11.14
baz_control_vs_foo_control -0.0223 0.038 0.0078 0.0114 0.680 0.9730 0.20 0.19 0.029 0.039 RGR_11.14
baz_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -0.0109 0.063 0.0262 0.0141 1.859 0.2927 0.18 0.16 0.074 0.035 RGR_11.14
qux_control_vs_foo_control -0.0285 0.031 0.0013 0.0113 0.117 1.0000 0.20 0.19 0.046 0.039 RGR_11.14
qux_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -0.0261 0.047 0.0104 0.0138 0.750 0.9574 0.17 0.16 0.043 0.035 RGR_11.14
bar_control_vs_foo_control -0.0176 0.038 0.0100 0.0105 0.954 0.8806 0.18 0.17 0.046 0.033 RGR_14.16
bar_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -0.0398 0.029 -0.0054 0.0130 -0.416 0.9978 0.15 0.15 0.032 0.032 RGR_14.16
baz_control_vs_foo_control -0.0194 0.036 0.0085 0.0106 0.798 0.9429 0.17 0.17 0.045 0.033 RGR_14.16
baz_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -0.0086 0.061 0.0263 0.0133 1.982 0.2302 0.18 0.15 0.042 0.032 RGR_14.16
qux_control_vs_foo_control -0.0081 0.047 0.0195 0.0105 1.861 0.2905 0.18 0.17 0.053 0.033 RGR_14.16
qux_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -0.0354 0.033 -0.0010 0.0130 -0.080 1.0000 0.15 0.15 0.018 0.032 RGR_14.16
bar_control_vs_foo_control -0.0246 0.019 -0.0027 0.0083 -0.326 0.9995 0.11 0.12 0.041 0.036 RGR_16.18
bar_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -0.0340 0.020 -0.0072 0.0102 -0.708 0.9674 0.12 0.12 0.024 0.029 RGR_16.18
baz_control_vs_foo_control -0.0052 0.039 0.0169 0.0084 2.013 0.2174 0.13 0.12 0.037 0.036 RGR_16.18
baz_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -0.0053 0.049 0.0219 0.0103 2.118 0.1744 0.14 0.12 0.025 0.029 RGR_16.18
qux_control_vs_foo_control -0.0183 0.025 0.0036 0.0083 0.434 0.9973 0.12 0.12 0.029 0.036 RGR_16.18
qux_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -0.0303 0.023 -0.0036 0.0102 -0.351 0.9992 0.12 0.12 0.018 0.029 RGR_16.18
bar_control_vs_foo_control -0.0181 0.019 0.0003 0.0070 0.043 1.0000 0.16 0.16 0.031 0.027 RGR_11.18
bar_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -0.0245 0.021 -0.0020 0.0085 -0.230 0.9999 0.14 0.14 0.023 0.023 RGR_11.18
baz_control_vs_foo_control -0.0080 0.029 0.0106 0.0070 1.500 0.5221 0.17 0.16 0.023 0.027 RGR_11.18
baz_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic 0.0053 0.051 0.0282 0.0087 3.248 0.0082 0.17 0.14 0.038 0.023 RGR_11.18
qux_control_vs_foo_control -0.0112 0.026 0.0072 0.0070 1.028 0.8438 0.17 0.16 0.036 0.027 RGR_11.18
qux_osmotic_vs_foo_osmotic -0.0161 0.029 0.0064 0.0085 0.747 0.9582 0.15 0.14 0.021 0.023 RGR_11.18

The test results are also given as anova-results.csv

We create effect plots for all comparsions where the mean is indicated by the dot, and the 95% confidence interval indicated by a horizontal line. Red-dots indicate estimates associated with a p-value lower than 0.05.

plot of chunk effectplots-area

plot of chunk effectplots-rgr

This report was compiled on Sat Jan 09 20:57:27 2016 by gbfjc on Windows using rosettR v0.0.3